Reimagine L.A. to appear on November ballot

On August 4, L.A. County supervisors voted 4-1 to include Re-Imagine L.A. County on the November 3rd ballot. Alongside thousands of supporters and many LAFH staff, President & CEO Stephanie Klasky-Gamer provided provided public comment in support of the measure and all that it could mean for Los Angeles communities.

“Good morning Supervisors, I am speaking on item #57.

My name is STEPHANIE KLASKY-GAMER of LA Family Housing and I am speaking on behalf of the 11,000 people transitioning out of homelessness and poverty with whom we work each year.  As an agency we proudly work in each of your districts  and I want to thank you all for the two votes you have already taken to push Re-Imagine LA forward. 

As a homeless service provider and affordable housing developer throughout Los Angeles, LA Family Housing serves some of the most disenfranchised people in our County.  We are in strong support of placing a charter amendment of the LA County budget on the November ballot to that better supports their mental and physical health, their housing, and their economic stability. This year LA Family Housing is launching the largest ever voter registration drive to ensure our clients and tenants can vote and make their voices heard.

This is an important moment and we do not want to look back and see that we have missed a very real, and very necessary opportunity to transform how we care for the most vulnerable among us. We need a budget that prioritizes people.

It is time to reallocate more of our County’s funding toward the communities that need the most investment and care - specifically black, brown and indigenous communities.

Thank you.”

As our country comes to terms with racial inequities in our housing, social service, and criminal justice systems, we recognize our role in lifting up communities and ensuring that the voices of our most vulnerable neighbors are heard. To that end, LAFH is a proud member of the Re-Imagine L.A. coalition – an effort to divest city funds from incarceration and invest in the health and economic wellness of marginalized people.

LA Family Housing