Our Commitment to Health and Safety as We Address COVID-19

The wellbeing of our participants, staff, volunteers, and neighbors experiencing homelessness is our top priority, especially during this uncertain and challenging time. As the concern grows around COVID-19 in LA County, we are working diligently to safeguard all of our participants, tenants, staff, and volunteers.

We will continue to provide critical services to those who need it – our Individual Solutions Center and Family Solutions Center remain open – but we are taking additional actions and precautions in response to this crisis:

  • Prioritize continuity of housing and critical services for our most vulnerable neighbors

  • Provide clear communication with our staff and participants on appropriate safety protocols

  • Create a LAFH Crisis Command Team that will:

    • Integrate guidance from public health experts, such as the CDC and the County Department of Public Health, to our operations and sites for client and staff wellness

    • Implement our emergency safety and crisis response plan

    • Educate and equip the people we serve with the most up to date information to mitigate the spread of COVID-19

    • Continued rigorous cleaning/disinfection plans for all LAFH locations and vehicles

    • Communicate with funders to ensure resources are available during this crisis

    • Development of a staffing plan to ensure work continuity should team members need to be out of the office

In addition, given the Federal, State and County guidance on social distancing as a critical means of prevention, we have decided – with heavy hearts – to postpone LAFH Awards until October 22, 2020. In every effort to protect our participants, staff, supporters, and community, we felt that this was the right thing to do.

Many of our supporters have asked how they can support our unhoused neighbors and participants during this unchartered time of a fast-moving pandemic. Please consider the people we serve as you purchase your own preparedness supplies —our Amazon Wishlist has been updated to reflect the most pressing needs.

Please take good care of yourselves and those around you.

These times are not easy but we’re lifted up by each other’s kindness and compassion.

What you can do:

Now more than ever, your support will allow us to help our neighbors experiencing homelessness remain safe, healthy and on track to achieving housing stability. 

By making a gift today you can help LA Family Housing:

  • Increase disease prevention supplies for people living outdoors,

  • Equip our outreach teams providing care with protective gear,

  • Create quarantine areas for sick individuals, 

  • Secure motel rooms to help alleviate density in interim housing,  

  • Provide meals to individuals and families in interim and affordable housing, 

  • Support staffing costs to ensure necessary coverage in response to our participants’ needs. 

LA Family Housing