There are so many ways to make an impact on homelessness in Los Angeles.

Each of us brings unique skills, perspectives, and experiences to the fight against homelessness.


Stay informed

Knowledge is power. An essential part of advocacy involves changing your language and your actions in small ways that can contribute to larger changes in the way that people experiencing homelessness are seen and treated in our society. Start by reading, learning and staying abreast of current affairs that impact homelessness.


Use your voice

Attend political meetings and events. Building relationships is key to becoming a resource to your elected official, so whether it’s a district meeting, neighborhood council meeting, or city council meeting, the first step is to show up and get to know your elected official and their staff. You can also contribute to meetings by signing up to speak via a speaker’s card.


Build your community.

Strength is in numbers. As you educate yourself more and more, you can be a source of knowledge and clarity for your network by discussing the issues and helping others stay informed. Feel confident in redirecting misinformation and leading with facts instead of fear. As you have discussions, you can bring more people into the fold so they can become advocates too!